Enlightened people tend to scare us off sometimes. They seem too good. They've reached a place that seems unattainable at times. That's why I like the writings of Pema Chodron who has books with titles like When Things Fall Apart. She's my kind of enlightened. Enlightened means to bring light to the human condition. That's why in meditation, you put your feet on the ground or you sit in such a way that the power of the earth and the power of the universe can both flow through you.
Anyhow, back to the human condition. I used to post only when I was inspired and that meant long periods would go by between postings sometimes. There's another way to look at spiritual writing, though; you could think of it as an awareness of today's human dilemmas in the light of universal truths. That's where I'm going in this blog so aptly titled "sacred shit." Some days it may be mostly sacred with a little bit of shit and some days it may be mostly shit with a little bit of sacred.
In spiritual practice of any kind, it doesn't do to soar above the immediate. You start with the immediate and become increasingly aware of yourself contained by that. Eventually, universal forces join you and you experience a harmony or vibration from the union of today's dilemmas with the eternal good.
So, I'm sitting in Maine by the ocean. I'm feeling particularly lonely and guilty. I'm feeling guilty of not being "good enough." Not good enough as a daughter, mother, sister, writer. This is where true spirituality begins. As the Simon and Garfunkel song says, "When you're weary, feeling small, when tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all. I'm on your side." And, voila, the God joins the human. The universal good is on our side!
When you think of it that way, it's amazing. When you cherish the human condition as the starting point of co-creation, when you realize that the divine word, any divine word, becomes real in you, you're on the path. I can feel that integration as I sit here. However small I may be feeling, I contain the universe. Namaste, Roxie.
Anyhow, back to the human condition. I used to post only when I was inspired and that meant long periods would go by between postings sometimes. There's another way to look at spiritual writing, though; you could think of it as an awareness of today's human dilemmas in the light of universal truths. That's where I'm going in this blog so aptly titled "sacred shit." Some days it may be mostly sacred with a little bit of shit and some days it may be mostly shit with a little bit of sacred.
In spiritual practice of any kind, it doesn't do to soar above the immediate. You start with the immediate and become increasingly aware of yourself contained by that. Eventually, universal forces join you and you experience a harmony or vibration from the union of today's dilemmas with the eternal good.
So, I'm sitting in Maine by the ocean. I'm feeling particularly lonely and guilty. I'm feeling guilty of not being "good enough." Not good enough as a daughter, mother, sister, writer. This is where true spirituality begins. As the Simon and Garfunkel song says, "When you're weary, feeling small, when tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all. I'm on your side." And, voila, the God joins the human. The universal good is on our side!
When you think of it that way, it's amazing. When you cherish the human condition as the starting point of co-creation, when you realize that the divine word, any divine word, becomes real in you, you're on the path. I can feel that integration as I sit here. However small I may be feeling, I contain the universe. Namaste, Roxie.