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Meet the divine Dude in this blog. This Dude has had and seen his share of sacred shit. He's not afraid of it or of its language. I can't relate to a god that's been crucified, but I can relate to one whom my government has imprisoned and humiliated. I can relate to one who's been raped by his own holy men. I can relate to one who grew up playing baseball or soccer and who dated the Prom Queen. I can relate to the god who knows the working of corporate conglomerates, pimps, and teen-age girls who are pregnant. I can relate to the god who loves alcoholics and drug addicts just a tad more than wall street hotshots or so-called holy men who abuse little boys. This Dude thinks all of us are mortal particles in an ocean of sacred shit. This Dude recycles.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Sacred Opposites

Sometimes spirituality is found in approaches to life that are the opposite of what you normally do.  It’s like planting an unknown seed or going to a meadow instead of to your garden.  It’s baking cherry pie instead of brownies.  It’s kneeling to pray instead of sitting in meditation. 

I’m thinking about my normal day.  I’m mobility challenged and so my day can seem quite limited.  I normally wake up before 6 and dial into a growth discussion group which meets everyday at 6 a.m.  I get up after that, brush teeth and wash face.  I go downstairs and start my Keurig coffee pot, let the dog out of her crate, play ball with her until one of us gets tired of it, feed her and let her outside.  While she’s outside, I toast some frozen waffles, coat them with fruit and yogurt and make my cup of coffee. I let the dog back in and I sit on the sofa sideways, say “Good morning, God,” and turn on the news, watching while I eat.  To summarize: I then do a gratitude journal, read something inspiring, and set my daily intention.  Then I try to accomplish my intention which usually includes some physical activity, at least one phone call or meeting to assure human interaction, and an activity that requires going somewhere—to the pharmacy, to the bank, to meet someone for coffee, or attendance at a support meeting.  

That’s a pretty standard day.  In that day I experience security and comfort, order, and some fulfillment.  I don’t experience much of what I would call spirituality.  Let’s turn that day upside down.  I wake up and don’t dial into an experience with others; instead, I get in touch with my own feelings which might mean awareness of loneliness and vulnerability (sigh).  Then I get up earlier than usual, have tea instead of coffee (I leave the dog’s schedule the same since it’s not her spiritual journey), go for a a savory egg sandwich instead of a sweet waffle and yogurt, and step outside with my tea and sandwich instead of turning on the news.  It’s really cold so stepping outside means putting on boots, coat and gloves.  Already  I’m seeing what could be spiritual opportunities.  Frost on my breath meeting steam from the tea.  That’s loaded with potential spiritual stuff for me.  I’m uncomfortably awake.  There are giant trees without leaves.  I notice that it’s winter.  There could be snow.  The dog will be excited that I’m outside with her.  Nature and animal.  That could be a god banquet.  

Note:  this doesn’t sound comfortable, safe, or even fun.  It sounds awful.  That’s why I don’t normally do it.  I wonder though if spirituality comes in discomfort more than comfort. What do you think?  Roxie

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sacred Offerings

“I’m spiritual, not religious” has become the mantra of baby boomers.  Did you ever wonder what that means?  It could mean they’ve embraced the quiet space of Buddhism or it could mean they like to sleep in on Sunday.  Whatever the specificity of each person’s definition of “spiritual,” it seem to have one commonality:  I’m doin’ my own thing when it comes to god stuff.

My spirituality seems to be a “road less taken,” but a road nevertheless.  While encouraging me to embrace my unique spiritual self, it also shows the ways unique spirituality criss crosses with other unique spiritualities, the kind of sacred offering that Teilhard de Jardin described as making up the evolution of the God who, in his belief, was not fully realized until all of creation had become realized. Complicated but it makes shocking sense.  What if the God is evolving based on how the universe and all of us collectively evolve!

In the spirit of de Jardin’s theology, then, our task is to live out our own natural spirituality.  What is that?  That’s your challenge--to become more aware of that very thing.  That unique spirituality might be rooted in ancient texts for some of you, in intellectual understandings for others, in the awe you experience watching the morning fog rise, or even in the teachings of your church. 

The best way I can describe it is:  Spirituality comes within those things that call to you.  Noticing what words, songs, sayings, memes or facebook postings, movies, podcasts, natural beauty, or life experiences stay with you, haunt you, keep coming back to you, speak to you—these are the yeast of your spiritual nature. Roxie