Become a Follower of the Big Dude!

Meet the divine Dude in this blog. This Dude has had and seen his share of sacred shit. He's not afraid of it or of its language. I can't relate to a god that's been crucified, but I can relate to one whom my government has imprisoned and humiliated. I can relate to one who's been raped by his own holy men. I can relate to one who grew up playing baseball or soccer and who dated the Prom Queen. I can relate to the god who knows the working of corporate conglomerates, pimps, and teen-age girls who are pregnant. I can relate to the god who loves alcoholics and drug addicts just a tad more than wall street hotshots or so-called holy men who abuse little boys. This Dude thinks all of us are mortal particles in an ocean of sacred shit. This Dude recycles.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

There is a Crack in Everything

I was listening to the "daily musing" of Manuel Astruc and I was struck by his way of simplifying complex issues.  Today's topic was "leadership" which he pared down to "helping others help others."

It's not that I don't like that idea.  Part of me wanted to say:  I surrender.  Go Manuel!  But, I couldn't because for me that doesn't quite fit.

I have a primal belief that from our imperfection rises what "sacred offerings" there are.  Maybe what really troubles me about Manuel's definition is the elimination of the reality that each human lives within.  My definition of leadership goes more like this:

Ring the bell that still can ring
Forget the sacred offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.  --Leonard Cohen

Each of us rings the bell we have.  I'm 73, for example, and severely hampered by arthritis and plaque growth in my back.  Pain is my "crack in everything."  What's my bell?  I can bring myself to each arena available to me.  Hence, I play bridge online with my brother and son as a way to connect with them and love them.  I take an online class with my best friend and we speak weekly by phone about what we are learning.  I still teach at a local college.  I ring the bell that still can ring.

Manuel is making a "sacred offering" although he doesn't call it that.  As a person who has and does change my life constantly, a mentor-teacher whom I admire more than most, there's no doubt that he brings a concept of excellence that his many followers online and in person will strive for. Go Manuel!

The difference is that I don't really believe in excellence.  For me, Leonard Cohen has it right.  Ring the bell that still can ring . . . There is a crack in everything.  I'm so glad.